Thirty years ago, I ran sound for Mount Hermon Christian Conference Center. In that capacity, I met a number of amazing people. During their annual Christian Writer’s Conference one year, a familiar face stood out.
I had already met this person through one of his sherpas. He led an expedition program in the Sierras and my friend Danny worked for him. One day, while visiting Danny up at Bass Lake, CA, he introduced me to Tim Hansel.
I did not realize that Tim was a writer. At the time, he had a popular book call “You Gotta Keep Dancing” (still available on Amazon). In it he explains how he can keep choosing joy in the midst of chronic severe pain. That book has brought encouragement to thousands of people, including myself.
As a speaker at the conference, he related his story. Then he explained that, in the midst of his pain and his busy schedule, he had a “blazing urge to write.” He HAD to write.
It has never been that way with me. Writing has been an outlet for my overactive imagination. For me, writing can be hard. I enjoy writing, but it is work. As you may have guessed by the length of time between my blog posts, I do not write everyday. In fact, this post has taken me two days of writing between other tasks to complete.
I do read almost everyday. Well, at least I listen to a lot of books since I drive a lot. Recently, Overdrive, the library app that I use to listen to library books, suggested “The Forgotten Road” by Richard Paul Evans. It was riveting. For many, I am sure it was life changing. It is fiction.
As a writer of fiction I can’t tell you how encouraging that is.. It is my hope that my writing will influence people. Wil Clarey was created to encourage and educate. That now drives me to write more and to pursue publication. I am closer than ever to having that “blazing urge to write.”
Do you have that blazing urge to write? Or paint, or sing, or any other form of expression? Join me in fanning that flame to a blaze. Let’s express ourselves in such a way that we will improve our world!
That said, I will let you in a a couple of personal writing goals. First, it is my goal to have the first draft of “Wil Clarey; School of Hard Knocks” completed by the end of November (with the close of NaNoWriMo – more on that later). Second, I have decided to start with Kindle publishing for “Wil Clarey: A Kerryville Summer.” I don’t have a timeline yet for that. I am working with an artist for the cover. Once that is done, I can upload everything but I want it to be as good as possible before it goes public.
Thank you all for your continued support! Please pray for me as I pursue this growing urge to write. I will pray for you as express your passions through your writing and other forms of art. Let that fire in you grow and blaze on!
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